Week 1: Welcome to the Phunware MBA Program
Lesson Summary
Most marketers who haven’t been living under a rock know that mobile is a very big deal. But being familiar with mobile devices does not position you for success in the new mobile-first world. You have to be a Mobile Bad Ass (MBA)—a seasoned pro with a well-rounded understanding of strategy, tactics and best practices. The eight-week curriculum of our MBA Program will help you get there.
Learning Objectives
This lesson is designed to introduce candidates to the MBA Program and provide a general overview of what they will learn and what they can expect to gain.
Key Points / Discussion
Welcome to the Phunware MBA Program
Most of us have smartphones and live our lives immersed in mobile apps. The comScore 2017 U.S. Mobile App Report spells it out very clearly—mobile apps drive 57% of all U.S. digital time spent. In fact, half of that time (50% of the total) is spent on smartphone apps. It’s a whole new world for marketers, even digital and mobile natives, as mobile continues to transform every aspect of business and consumer life.
At Phunware, we’ve got first-hand experience in how that transformation started and how it continues to evolve. The MBA Program synthesizes what we’ve learned about the mobile-first revolution into 8 bite-sized lessons designed to help marketers understand, embrace, and harness mobile for their own strategies.
Subject matter covered in the Phunware MBA Program:
- The mobile app lifecycle—what it is and why you should care
- Mobile strategy considerations
- Options for mobile app development
- Launch tactics and best practices
- User engagement and mobile marketing automation
- Monetization strategies, including in-app advertising
What to expect:
- New lessons will be posted each week, and all MBA candidates will be notified via email. (Exception: the post due to go out on the Monday before Thanksgiving will be released on the Friday before, in case you’ve got travel plans.)
- At the end of each post, there’ll be an opportunity to interact—just a one-question quiz (multiple choice or true / false) to let us know you’ve completed that week’s lesson. You must complete all eight weeks of lessons to receive your MBA.
- Throughout the MBA Program, candidates will unlock achievements and receive exclusive supplemental content to enhance their learning.
- At the end of the eight-week course, candidates who have completed all coursework will receive their MBA certificate, social / email badges and a really cool t-shirt to make all their colleagues super jealous.
So what was the question for the first post?
I must have missed it somehow.
Len, you are right. The question wasn’t clear, but we’ve updated it. Good call!
I have had many occasions where I have referred different organizations and companies to Phunware and I think it would be wise to collect data regarding referrals, because that is something that both you and the person referring phunware can monetize, as in your success is my success type-of thinking.